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Creating a Test Run Plan

A QualityWatcher test run plan is an entity that provides users with a process to group related test runs. This enables users to have better insight into cross-browser or cross-platform testing.


The initial steps to create a test run plan are similar to creating a test run.

Creating a new Test Run Plan in QualityWatcher
Creating a new Test Run Plan in QualityWatcher
Creating a new Test Run Plan in QualityWatcher
Creating a new Test Run Plan in QualityWatcher

You must provide a test run plan with a title and description. Adding an environment is optional.

Once you have provided a title and description, you can select the “Next” button. You are then taken to the section where you can select the test cases to include in your test run plan.

Select the test cases to include in the test run plan.
Select the test cases to include in the test run plan.
You can click on a test case to see that test case’s details.
You can click on a test case to see that test case’s details.
Configuration Step
Configuration Step

Things change after the test cases to be included are selected and the “Next“ button is clicked. The user will see a list of all their enabled test run configurations. Instead of clicking the “Done“ button, you will now need to select the different test run configurations to be included.


You must select one or more configurations for a test run plan to be created.

Select the configuration(s) to create the test run plan with.
Select the configuration(s) to create the test run plan with.
Selecting a Configuration
Selecting a Configuration

Once a configuration is selected, it will automatically include only the test cases selected from the previous step. You also have the ability to remove test cases per configuration. This enables a fined-tuned setup for a test run plan.

Removing test cases in a configuration
Removing test cases in a configuration

When you have finished your setup, click the "Done" button to create your test run plan.

Created Test Run Plan
Created Test Run Plan

If successful, you are shown a notification that your test run plan was successfully created. The new test run plan is added to your list of test runs, as can be seen in the photo above.


The icons pointed out above are used differentiate between a test run and a test run plan.